
On October 29, 2021, EU and Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan partners met in the online meeting to discuss the structure of the methodology to be elaborated.

The aim of the quality assurance methodology is to empower involved Uzbekistan’s and Kyrgyzstan’s higher education institutions with a tool creating preconditions for well structured, clear, and systematic evaluation of the modernised curricula, what creates preconditions for timely identification of challenges and risks, and planning of measures for necessary academic content and processes improvements.

The methodology will include such aspects as: a) description of the knowledge, skills and competencies students should obtain during studies, b) criteria and indicators to be used to access study programme’s quality, c) criteria to measure graduates’ knowledge, skills and competence relevance to the targeted industry needs, and c) mechanisms to be used to carry assessment, initiate improvements and to implement them.

Elaboration of the methodology is started, and the document will be elaborated till summer 2022.